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Crazy Money Brand Exclusive Threadz was Established in 2012. This shirt commemorates that great year. Its design incorporates a compass. The compass is symbolic of the sea fearing foremothers and forefathers that ruled the 7 seas of the world. The compass was used to navigate the World by pointing North with cardinal points North South East West. They say the sun rises in the east and sets in the west. With this shirt the wearer would not get lost. All they would have to do is look down at their shirt and see that they too are equipped with the tools to navigate the world using the stars and the compass on there shirt. An even better idea is that It's more like the wearer becomes the compass and walks in a positive direction. They walk into the direction of crazy money with all the riches they can ever dream of. CZM Brand Exclusive Threadz


CZM Brand Establishment Shirt

"Black" CZM Brand Est 2012

SKU: EST2020CZMBlack
  • Crazy Money Brand Exclusive Threadz was Established in 2012. This shirt commemorates that great year. Its design incorporates a compass. The compass is symbolic of the sea fearing foremothers and forefathers that ruled the 7 seas of the world. The compass was used to navigate the World by pointing North with cardinal points North South East West. They say the sun rises in the east and sets in the west. With this shirt the wearer would not get lost. All they would have to do is look down at their shirt and see that they too are equipped with the tools to navigate the world using the stars and the compass on there shirt. An even better idea is that It's more like the wearer becomes the compass and walks in a positive direction. They walk into the direction of crazy money with all the riches they can ever dream of. CZM Brand Exclusive Threadz









    CZM Brand Establishment Shirt

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