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Growing Marijuana

Writer: La Aaron MealyLa Aaron Mealy

Updated: Aug 20, 2023

Have you ever thought about growing your own Marijuana. I only asked because I have. In the most recent years the governments across the United States have been legalizing the herb and many people now grow it at home and commercially. One thing that iv noticed is that todays Marijuana doesn't Coe with as any seeds as it used to. Back in the day when you brought you Marijuana from your local dealer the herb usually came with seeds as it is a natural plant and produces seeds. Today when you buy your self some Marijuana it rearly does with seeds and I find this to be odd and strange and I think it is causing the quality of todays herbal products to be of lower quality. Another observation that I had was that the pungent smell of Marijuana has dissipated and the herb no longer has that stinky strong gonja like smell that lets you know hey im am an herb with a funky smell taste and if you smoke me your going to be as high as I am funky. Iv grew plants in the past and they usually began to smell even before they mature. In recent times i planted two seeds from the new breed of herb and they have been growing for a couple of months and still 0 smell of Marijuana. Its quite strange to me, but i have a theory. My theory is that the growers are breading trash weed, straight for profit weed and it has no and low quality. The soil is trash, the technique is trash and the entire industry needs to start over and try again. First off they are growing the herb in indoor labs. This is a big no no and takes away from the quality. How it takes away from the quality you say, well i tell you. THe factors from a lab situation and a natural situation are completely different. In the lab there is no natural sunlight. The sun has energy and is the life giver on the planet. The sun has rays that the lab can not produce. There are rays of sunlight that cant be made up by no man made light, the plants use these rays as energy to grow and produce its buds. I believe that the quality of the sunlight the quality of the buds because they are converting that sunlight into energy to make its madicenal properties. ANother factor is that the wind blows much more stronger in an outside environmant and the factor of the wind is what makes strong trees and branches stems and roots. If you ever tried to grow anything in a lab environmrent you will notice that it wil grow up and flop over if there is not a fan present to act like the wind. With out the fan the plant wont be able to grow strong because it wont be getting any exercise. Strangly plants work out to, remember that they are living beings on this earth just like us and they need certain things to grow and exhist. Next is that they harvest it and dont let it get to its most potent form before putting it to the market. They push it to the market to turn a buck not to be great in society and trade quality herb that will help a person. The weed nowa days be so trash that it would stress you out before it calm you down. The soil they use is trash everybody is using the same type of soil and the genetics are getting use to the same soil and conforming to its blandness. What the herb needs is good fertile loam soil and let that grow in a 10 to 20 gallon pot outside for the summer and wait for the 12 hrs day and 12 hrs night. And also people be seperating the male from the female and thats dumb then you wont get no seeds. And then they be making feminized seeds which is the worst thing ever. They making gay ass seeds fucking up the male plants and turning them to females. You might think you smoking a female and whole time you smoking a ugly ass transvestite plant and wondering why the weed is trash. You cant take something from its natural form and them try to make it something else. What really needs to be dont is just let a forrest grow in the wild and come back like 2 or 3 years later and you will some good natural genetic plants that have grown in that local soil. And you can always make soil conditions better. I think soil conditions are one of the most imporntant things along with the natural process of the herb budding. For example when a cherry tree blosoms and its time to pick the cherries you have a window to pick the cherrys and if you miss that window the cherrys get over ripe and they all fall off and the cycle starts all over again. Even with some seeds in general if you try to plant them the wrong time of year they wont sprout because they dna is telling them its not time to sprout. Look at your yard as the year goes on some plants come and die off and dont stay the entire spring summer and fall. Thats because they are designed like that by the creator. SO me im just tuning in to the creators design and following his blue print. Science is Observation. Observation is your 5 senses, Smell Taste Touch Hear Feel, and lets say intiution for the 6th. This got me thinking about making an Almanac for what ever plants i grow so i know what it would take to make an indoor breed. At the same time people and growers also be making clones which are not even the original plant from seed its a part of the whole grafted. SO whats the quality of the DNA from its most original form to the grafted form and the grafted form is not even grown outdoors its lab grown. Quality deminished like a broken plate. Thats like making coolade then pooring some in a cup then put the cup of coolaid in a gallon pitcher then adding water and expecting the coolaid to taste like the first pitcher you made, now come on you going to need more flavor and sugar. I believe everytime they make a clone they taking away the flavor and sugar from the herb. The way to make better plants is to breed them more until they advance, When you cut them and top them off and what not you training the herbs to be and do something other than its original plans. All and all i think a good outdoor plant with good breded genetics with less inbreeding will be a wonderful herb to enjoy. Its got to be grown in good soil and on its natural cycle of growing not no auto flowering.



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