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Who are we ?                                     Manwari !

Manwari is a Black Power Movement and Organization Founded By Mansa Faroni El Ae Duwali Khemet also known as La Aaron Mealy. It is a Chapter of the NBPP New Black Panther Party. We practice Pantherism. We are a Vanguard Organization in our Community and Nation.

Manwari Logo.jpg

NBPP Manwari

            Manwari are the men and women who go to war to protect and defend their lives, their freedoms, the lives of their family members, their children, their wives, their husbands,  their property, their nation, their land, their people, their race, their heritage, their culture, their way of life, against any tyranny, oppression, hate, evil and bad in general. We are the ones who get up on the front line and fight.


                                              Who are we?                         Manwari !                                                      

The 5 Duties of a Panther


           WARRIOR CODE 

                                   THE NEW BLACK PANTHER PARTY FOR SELF-DEFENSE 


                                         The 5 Duties of a Panther 

The sole purpose of a Panther is to be a revolutionary in the Afrikan people’s liberation struggle and to mobilize the masses toward self-determination.  A Panther must be a vanguard example for Afrikan (Black) people at all times. In order to accomplish this great and divine mission, he or she must be: 


Spiritually, Culturally and Politically conscious; 


Respectful and courteous to all people and demand the same in return; 


Militant-Always engaged in the war for the hearts and minds of Afrikan people while carrying oneself in an organized and orderly fashion; 


Humble-Willing to release any arrogant attitudes and superior ideas of one’s self; 


Disciplined-Willing to sacrifice your lower or personal desires for the greater good of the mission… 

Rights of the Indigenous Peoples



                                                       Rights Of The Indigenous Peoples 


Article VIII.

Right to belong to indigenous peoples

Indigenous individuals and communities have the right to belong to one or more indigenous peoples, in accordance with the identity, traditions, customs, and systems of belonging of each people. No discrimination of any kind may arise from the exercise of such a right.

Article IX.

Juridical personality

States shall recognize fully the juridical personality of indigenous peoples, respecting indigenous forms of organization and promoting the full exercise of the rights recognized in this Declaration.


Article X.

Rejection of assimilation

1. Indigenous peoples have the right to maintain, express, and freely develop their cultural identity in all respects, free from any external attempt at assimilation.

2. States shall not carry out, adopt, support, or favor any policy of assimilation of indigenous peoples or of destruction of their cultures.

Article XI.

Protection against genocide

Indigenous peoples have the right not to be the object of any form of genocide or attempts to exterminate them.

Article XII.

Guarantees against racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia, and related intolerance

Indigenous peoples have the right not to be the object of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia, or related intolerance. States shall adopt the preventive and corrective measures necessary for the full and effective protection of that right.

Article XIII

Right to cultural identity and integrity

  1. Indigenous peoples have the right to their own cultural identity and integrity and to their cultural heritage, whether tangible or intangible, including historic and ancestral heritage; and to the protection, preservation, maintenance, and development of that cultural heritage for their collective continuity and that of their members and so as to transmit that heritage to future generations.

  2. States shall provide redress through effective mechanisms, which may include restitution, developed in conjunction with indigenous peoples, with respect to their cultural, intellectual, religious, and spiritual property taken without their free, prior, and informed consent or in violation of their laws, traditions, and customs.

  3. Indigenous people have the right to recognition and respect for all their ways of life, cosmovisions, spirituality, uses, customs, norms, traditions, forms of social, economic, and political organization; forms of transmission of knowledge, institutions, practices, beliefs, values, dress, and languages, recognizing their inter-relationship as established in this Declaration.

Article XIV.

Systems of knowledge, language, and communication

  1. Indigenous peoples have the right to preserve, use, develop, revitalize, and transmit to future generations their own histories, languages, oral traditions, philosophies, systems of knowledge, writing, and literature, and to designate and retain their own names for their communities, individuals, and places.

  2. States shall adopt adequate and effective measures to protect the exercise of this right with the full and effective participation of indigenous peoples.

  3. Indigenous peoples have the right to promote and develop all their systems and media of communication, including their own radio and television programs, and to have equal access to all other means of communication and information. States shall take measures to promote the broadcast of radio and television programs in indigenous languages, particularly in areas with an indigenous presence. States shall support and facilitate the creation of indigenous radio and television stations, as well as other means of information and communication.

  4. States, in conjunction with indigenous peoples, shall make efforts to ensure that those peoples can understand and be understood in their own languages in administrative, political, and judicial proceedings, if necessary through the provision of interpretation or by other effective means.

Article XVII.

Indigenous family

  1. The family is the natural and fundamental group unit of society. Indigenous peoples have the right to preserve, maintain,       and promote their own family systems. States shall recognize, respect, and protect the various indigenous forms of family,     in particular, the extended family, as well as their forms of matrimonial union, filiation, descent, and family name. In all         cases, gender and generational equity shall be recognized and respected.

  2. In matters relating to custody, adoption, severance of family ties, and related matters, the best interests of the child shall be a primary consideration. In determining the best interests of the child, courts and other relevant institutions shall take into account the right of every indigenous child, in community with members of his or her people, to enjoy his or her own culture, to profess and practice his or her own religion, and to use his or her own language, and, in that regard, shall take into account the indigenous law of the people concerned and their points of view, rights and interests, including the positions of the individuals, the family, and the community.

Article XX.

Rights of association, assembly, and freedom of expression and thought

  1. Indigenous peoples have the rights of association, assembly, organization and expression, and are entitled to exercise them without interference and in accordance, inter alia, with their cosmovision, values, uses, customs, ancestral traditions, beliefs, spirituality, and other cultural practices.

  2. Indigenous peoples have the right to assemble on their sacred and ceremonial sites and areas. For that purpose they shall have free access to, and use of, such sites and areas.

  3. Indigenous peoples, in particular those who are divided by international borders, have the right to travel and to maintain and develop contacts, relations, and direct cooperation, including activities for spiritual, cultural, political, economic, and social purposes, with their members and other peoples.

  4. States, in consultation and cooperation with indigenous peoples, shall adopt effective measures to ensure the exercise and     enforcement of these rights.

Article XXI.

Right to autonomy or self-government

  1. Indigenous peoples, in exercising their right to self- determination, have the right to autonomy or self- government in matters relating to their internal and local affairs, as well as ways and means for financing their autonomous functions.

  2. Indigenous peoples have the right to maintain and develop their own decision-making institutions. They also have the right to participate in decision-making in matters which would affect their rights. They may do so directly or through their representatives, and in accordance with their own norms, procedures, and traditions. They also have the right to equal opportunities in accessing and participating fully and effectively as peoples in all national institutions and forums, including deliberative bodies.

Article XXII.

Indigenous law and jurisdiction

  1. Indigenous peoples have the right to promote, develop and maintain their institutional structures and their distinctive customs, spirituality, traditions, procedures, practices and, in the cases where they exist, juridical systems or customs, in accordance with international human rights standards.

  2. Indigenous law and legal systems shall be recognized and respected by national, regional and international legal systems.

  3. Matters concerning indigenous individuals or their rights or interests in the jurisdiction of each State shall be conducted in such a way as to afford indigenous individuals the right to full representation with dignity and equality before the law. Consequently, they are entitled, without discrimination, to equal protection and benefit of the law, including the use of linguistic and cultural interpreters.

  4. States shall take effective measures in conjunction with indigenous peoples to ensure the implementation of this article.

Article XXIV.

Treaties, agreements, and other constructive arrangements

  1. Indigenous peoples have the right to the recognition, observance, and enforcement of treaties, agreements and other constructive arrangements concluded with States or their successors, in accordance with their true spirit and intent in good faith and to have States honor and respect same. States shall give due consideration to the understanding of the indigenous peoples as regards to treaties, agreements and other constructive arrangements.

  2. When disputes in relation to such treaties, agreements and other constructive arrangements cannot be resolved between the parties, they shall be submitted to competent bodies, including regional and international bodies, by the states or indigenous peoples concerned.

  3. Nothing in this Declaration may be interpreted as diminishing or eliminating the rights of indigenous peoples contained in treaties, agreements and other constructive arrangements.

Article XXV.

Traditional forms of property and cultural survival. Right to land, territory, and resources

  1. Indigenous peoples have the right to maintain and strengthen their distinctive spiritual, cultural, and material relationship with their lands, territories, and resources and to uphold their responsibilities to pre- serve them for themselves and for future generations.

  2. Indigenous peoples have the right to the lands, territories and resources which they have traditionally owned, occupied or otherwise used or acquired.

  3. Indigenous peoples have the right to own, use, develop and control the lands, territories and resources that they possess by reason of traditional ownership or other traditional occupation or use, as well as those which they have otherwise acquired.

  4. States shall give legal recognition and protection to these lands, territories and resources. Such recognition shall be conducted with due respect to the customs, traditions and land tenure systems of the indigenous peoples concerned.

  5. Indigenous peoples have the right to legal recognition of the various and particular modalities and forms of property, possession and ownership of their lands, territories, and resources, in accordance with the legal system of each State and the relevant international instruments. States shall establish special regimes appropriate for such recognition and for their effective demarcation or titling.

Article XXVIII.

Protection of cultural heritage and intellectual property

  1. Indigenous peoples have the right to full recognition and respect for the ownership, dominion, possession, control, development, and protection of their tangible and intangible cultural heritage and intellectual property, including its collective nature, transmitted over millennia from generation to generation.

  2. The collective intellectual property of indigenous peoples includes, inter alia, traditional knowledge and traditional cultural expressions, including traditional knowledge associated with genetic resources, ancestral designs and procedures, cultural, artistic, spiritual, technological, and scientific expressions, tangible and intangible cultural heritage, as well as knowledge and developments of their own related to biodiversity and the utility and qualities of seeds, medicinal plants, flora, and fauna.

  3. States, with the full and effective participation of indigenous peoples, shall adopt measures necessary to ensure that national and international agreements and regimes provide recognition and adequate protection for the cultural heritage of indigenous peoples and intellectual property associated with that heritage. In adopting such measures, consultations shall be held to obtain the free, prior and informed consent of indigenous peoples.

Article XXIX.

Right to development

  1. Indigenous peoples have the right to maintain and determine their own priorities with respect to their political, economic, social, and cultural development in conformity with their own cosmovision. They also have the right to be guaranteed the enjoyment of their own means of subsistence and development, and to engage freely in all their economic activities.

  2. This right includes the development of policies, plans, programs, and strategies in the exercise of their right to development and to implement them in accordance with their political and social organization, norms and procedures, own cosmovisions, and institutions.

  3. Indigenous peoples have the right to be actively involved in developing and determining development programs that affect them and, to the extent possible, to administer such programs through their own institutions.

  4. States shall consult and cooperate in good faith with the indigenous peoples concerned through their own representative institutions in order to obtain their free and informed consent prior to the approval of any project affecting their lands or territories and other resources, particularly in connection with the development, utilization or exploitation of mineral, water, or other resources.

  5. Indigenous peoples have the right to effective mea- sures to mitigate adverse ecological, economic, so- cial, cultural, or spiritual impacts of the implementa- tion of development projects that affect their rights. Indigenous peoples who have been deprived of their means of subsistence and development have the right to restitution and, where this is not possible, to fair and equitable compensation. This includes the right to compensation for any harm caused to them by the implementation of plans, programs, or projects of the State, international financial institutions, or pri- vate business.

Article XXX.

Right to peace, security, and protection

  1. Indigenous peoples have the right to peace and security.

  2. Indigenous peoples have the right to recognition and respect for their institutions for the maintenance of their organization and control of their communities and peoples.

  3. Indigenous peoples have the right to protection and security in situations or periods of internal or international armed conflict, in accordance withinternational humanitarian law.

  4. States, in compliance with international agreements to which they are party, in particular those of international humanitarian law and international human rights law, including the Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War and Protocol II thereof relating to the protection of victims of non-international armed conflicts, shall, in the event of armed conflicts, take adequate measures to protect the human rights, institutions, lands, territories, and resources of indigenous peoples and their communities. Likewise, States:

  1. Shall not recruit indigenous children and adolescents into the armed forces under any circumstances;

  2. Shall adopt effective reparation measures and provide adequate resources for said reparation, in conjunction with the indigenous peoples concerned, for the damages or harm caused by an armed conflict.

Shall take special and effective measures in collaboration with indigenous peoples to guarantee that indigenous women and children live free from all forms of violence, especially sexual violence, and shall guarantee the right of access to justice, protection, and effective reparation for harm caused to the victims. Military activities shall not take place in the lands or territories of indigenous peoples, unless justified by a relevant public interest or otherwise freely agreed to or requested by the indigenous peoples concerned. The State of Colombia breaks with consensus as regards Article XXX, paragraph 5, of the OAS Declaration on Indigenous Peoples since, according to the mandate contained in the .... (Continues on page 53)

Article XXXI

  1. States shall ensure the full enjoyment of civil, political, economic, social, and cultural rights by indigenous peoples; their right to maintain their cultural and spiritual identity, religious traditions, cosmovision, and values; the protection of their sacred sites and places of worship, and all the human rights contained in this Declaration.

  2. States shall promote, with the full and effective participation of indigenous peoples, the adoption of such legislative and other measures as may be necessary to give effect to the rights recognized in this Declaration.

Article XXXII

        All the rights and freedoms recognized in the present Declaration are guaranteed equally to indigenous women and men.

Article XXXIII

        Indigenous peoples and individuals have the right to effective and suitable remedies, including prompt judicial remedies,             for the reparation of any violation of their collective and individual rights. States, with the full and effective participation of         indigenous peoples, shall provide the necessary mechanisms for the exercise of this right.

Article XL

        Nothing in this Declaration shall be construed as diminishing or extinguishing rights that indigenous peoples now have or           may acquire in the future.

Article XLI

        The rights recognized in this Declaration and the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples                             constitute the minimum standards for the survival, dignity, and well-being of the indigenous peoples of the Americas.

Our Goals


                                                            Our Goal

          Manwari Ultimate goal is to have open and operate our own barracks to train our warrior soldiers. We want to have an Active Army and have Armed Guards. We want to conduct military training and conduct educational training, we want to spread and educate people on how to speak Ki-Swahili Spanish and inform and educate the people of the Ki-swahanglish language. We want to open and operate an intelligence and weapons laboratory, as well as open and operate a private scholarly educational academy. We want to collect and protect gold for our Nations Wealth.  

Our Purpose


                                                        Our Purpose 

To be revolutionaries, to help and protect our people. To be Vanguards in the liberation struggle for all of our Pan African Diaspora Black oppressed peoples all over the world. Our purpose is to uplift fallen humanity and make the world a better place.

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